
General Policies

Last Modified: September 6, 2021

Okapy Firearms Prohibition Policy

Our goal is to ensure that everyone ships and receives goods safely and on time. That’s why Okapy prohibits its partners and customers from carrying or transporting firearms of any kind while using our app*

Anyone who violates this policy may lose access to Okapy.

*To the extent permitted by applicable law.


Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying information or assuming someone else’s identity, for example when signing in or undergoing a security check, isn’t allowed.

Provide accurate information when reporting incidents, creating and accessing your accounts, disputing charges or fees, and requesting credits. Only request fees or refunds that you’re entitled to, and use offers and promos only as intended. Don’t knowingly complete invalid transactions.

Street hails and other unacceptable activities

To enhance the safety of each experience, off-app pickups are prohibited. The law prohibits street hails while using the Okapy apps, so never solicit payment of trips outside the Okapy system. Partners and customers should not pay for deliveries in cash.

Never harm the business or brand by doing things like using Okapy’s trademark or intellectual property without permission.

Property damage

Damaging property or transporting illegal is never allowed. If you damage property, you’re responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees, outside of normal wear and tear